Call for Panel Proposals

Panels at JCDL are intended to draw together communities of interest, including those with strong traditions in the digital library community as well as those involving emerging issues of interest to members of the community at large. The panels typically last about 90 minutes and include an extended round-table discussion among the selected participants and the audience members. All panels are welcome to suggest panel formats that will engage and inform the audience and if accepted JCDL will work to provide appropriate facilities and setups to enable the panel techniques.  Panels can be comprised of short position statements with longer format discussions or can be structured to engage audience members in a direct discussion from the very outset. Panels relating to the theme of the conference From Data to Wisdom: Resilient Integration across Societies, Disciplines, and Systems are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.

Submissions should include a statement of learning objectives for the panel, a topical outline for the panel, identification of the expected audience and expected number of attendees, a tentative list of panelists and their bios, and a discussion of any engagement techniques that will require specific physical or technical requirements for the local hosts. Please indicate if the panelists have already been contacted about the panel and include contact and biographical information about the organizers. (It is possible for organizers to also serve as panelists but this is not a requirement.). It should be noted in the proposal about the organizers’ prior experience with organizing any similarly themed panel or workshop.

Panel proposals can be submitted in electronic form via the conference's EasyChair submission page. This year’s panel co-chairs are Robert H. McDonald-Indiana University ( and Yohei Seki-University of Tsukuba ( All questions concerning proposed panels should be discussed with the panel co-chairs prior to the submission deadline of Feb 2, 2018. The proposal should be no more than two pages and use the ACM Proceedings template (

For previous successful panel examples see: ( and (